5 Signs You’re Headed for a “Cushy” Retirement

Jeremy Joiner |

How much do you need to retire wealthy?

Believe it or not, there’s no set number for anyone.


But when considering the economy and inflation, 我们未来财务状况的明确图景可能会让人感觉有些难以捉摸.

So, to shed a little light (and provide a little guidance), 这里有一些迹象表明,你可能已经为“舒适”的下班后生活方式做好了准备.

Will I Retire Wealthy? These 5 Signs Point to YES

No matter when or where you retire, you could 如果你的情况是这样的话,那么你的余生就会过得很充实.

1. Minimal or Zero Debt

The less debt you have when you’re retiring, the better. 这意味着更大的财务自由和更灵活地将退休收入用于房地产, healthcare, and hobbies.

请记住,退休后的财务自由不仅仅是消除债务. 如果你作为退休人员在经济上支持孩子或其他所爱的人, 这可能会产生与退休后背负个人债务相同的影响.

Tip: Pay down as much debt as possible before you retire, from mortgages and car loans to credit cards and beyond. Consider downsizing, relocating, 和/或改变其他生活方式来减少你的债务,并在退休前巩固你的财务基础.

2. Strategic Savings

Rich retirements often stem from strong savings, 通过适当的自动化,这些节省可以持续增长. That means finding the most effective strategies, frequencies, 以及自动转入退休储蓄账户的金额.

So, if your savings are on autopilot, 向你的退休帐户持续供款, you could be on the right track to a wealthy retirement.

Tip考虑为你的退休储蓄预留更大的“意外之财”(或其中的一部分). For instance, 制定一个“规则”,将每年退税或年度奖金的10%或25%直接存入退休储蓄.

3. A Clear Budget


Have you considered generating more income during retirement? Or are you expecting to?

许多人在退休前甚至退休后都无法回答这些问题. 不幸的是,这会导致超支和钱包紧张.

Tip: Dial in your budget for retirement as soon as you can. Also, establish a “check-in” period for yourself, 所以你至少每年回顾一次这些数字并做出调整, if needed.

4. Little Reliance on Social Security

你对社会保障的依赖越少,你退休后可能就越富有. Generally, 较富有的退休人员在退休后有多种收入来源, 社会保障只是401(k)计划补充的资金来源之一, pensions, annuities, and/or other income.

Tip: Diversify your retirement income as much as you can, so you have a little more insulation from risk, market volatility, and inflation.

5. Solid, Growing Financial Literacy

你对金融的理解可以帮助你在退休后过上幸福的生活. 这是因为金融知识可以带来谨慎的选择和更平衡的观点. 它还可以让你更清楚地知道退休可以持续多久,以及如何为更快乐的生活做计划, richer post-work life.


A Better Way to a Richer Retirement

Wealth takes work. 但是,为了更舒适的未来,今天做出改变永远不会太晚. 

Whatever your dream retirement may be, 理财专业人士可以帮助你建立一个更坚实的基础,以享受更奢侈和更充实的退休生活.

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