Investors & the Markets: What to Watch Out for in an Election Year

Jeremy Joiner |

Smart investing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.



It’s also raising a lot of questions about investing in election years, how to respond to market uncertainty, and what money moves truly make sense.


5 Things That Can Trip Investors Up in Election Years (& How to Handle Them)

Election years, especially ones with presidential candidates on the ballot, can dial up the emotions, anxiety, and general frenzy in American politics and our financial lives.1 Whether or not you’re feeling that this year, 不要让以下因素妨碍你做出谨慎的财务选择和实现你的远大目标.

1. Political “noise” & bias

Scary news gets views, clicks, and eyeballs, 选举年可能会出现各种令人不安的头条新闻和故事.2

That’s one reason why more headlines are focused on fear, anger, and disgust-driven topics these days.2


And no matter where we go for news in an election year, we can be inundated with alarming information and “what ifs,” which can make us spin out every worst-case scenario.4


Pro Tip: Stick to a few trusted media sources for your news. Don’t spend hours reading, watching, or listening to the news. If you need to check headlines every day, set aside just a few minutes. Also, turn off your push notifications for news apps, so you can take in the shocking headlines on your terms and timetable.

2. A short-term outlook

With a presidential election on the horizon, a lot of attention is paid to who’s running, what they’re promising, and what they’ll do if they win. That can shift our mindset to the short-term, 这使我们对选举年可能出现的较小的市场波动更加敏感.7


Pro Tip: Remember, the markets don’t actually care about elections and presidents, per se. Policies matter more.7 Plus, regardless of which party takes control of the White House, most election years have brought stock market gains, with more stability after the election is over.8 So, 尽量不要把2024年(或任何)总统选举的结果归为你的财务生活和未来的成败.

3. Ignoring the trends (or not taking a moment to learn them)

大选年的股票趋势可以表明,在选举期间,市场的波动可能比你预期的要小.8 In fact, 在过去的一个世纪里,大多数选举年的回报率都是正的, even during some of the most politically contentious elections in U.S. history. That includes the last three elections in:8,9

  • 2020 when Joe Biden won, and market returns were 18.4%.
  • 2016 when Donald Trump won, and S&P returns were 11.96%.
  • 2012年,时任美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)再次当选,市场回报率为16%.

这种宏观趋势和其他趋势可以缓解我们的选举压力,并帮助我们将政治戏剧置于其应有的位置. 当涉及到我们的财务决策时,它的位置不应该是司机的座位.

Pro Tip:在大选年跟上或复习一般市场趋势. As you do, it’s crucial to keep this next part in mind.

4. Trying to time the markets

Timing the markets can be a fool’s game. 这就是为什么大多数专业人士说,市场中的时间远比市场的时机要好得多.

如果你的长期目标和整体情况没有真正改变, 投资策略的剧烈变化可能没有太大意义, presidential election year or not.

Pro Tip不要根据政治、流行新闻或一时的恐慌来决定你的金融行动. And, remember, 如果你因为选举或者谁赢了而退出市场, you could be cutting off your nose to spite your face. 这是因为你可能会错过选举周期的第三和第四年往往会出现的回报和更强劲的市场表现.8

5. Not checking in with a financial pro

With major events like elections, uncertainty is natural. None of us know exactly how it’s all going to play out, and that can be nerve-racking from a financial perspective. Trying to balance all of that on your own can be a mistake.

Pro Tip如果你正在考虑在选举之前或选举之后进行重大的资金调动, talk it out with a pro first. Connecting with a financial professional, especially during an election year, 能提供你可能需要的见解和建议,让你在任何选举年内外做出更好的财务选择.



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